Friday Foto Finder; Up

As we indulge in our daily retail therapy, we often concentrate on what is in front of us.

Here in Perth it is always worth the effort to look UP.

While the street level of our buildings are completely modern and very very glassy and shiny, if you look UP then suddenly you can be transported back a hundred years.

UP above those street level stores are the wonderfully imagined and decorated buildings from long ago.

In Perth, always take the time to look UP!

How does the word “UP” fire your imagination?

Leave a comment and a link here and we can all come and see.

Next week the challenge will be to find something to match the word “LEFT”

One response to “Friday Foto Finder; Up

  1. Well I am now UP to date and have my fff pic up. I almost went for something similar to yours, about looking up, because of the totally charming custom of Sevillanos tiling the undersides of their balconies, but then remembered this beast that has been going up…

    friday foto finder – up

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